Strategies for Anger Management Workbook & Cards Set — ChildTherapyToys

Strategies for Anger Management Workbook & Cards Set

Product Number : 229161600
Original Price $69.90
Current Price $61.97

  • Recommended for grades 7-12
  • his 100-page, reproducible spiral workbook and strategy cards are the practical tool all educators have been waiting for to help teens handle anger in healthier ways
  • overs such areas as: understanding anger, interventions for anger management and conflict resolution, and the differences between anger and abuse
  • Cards can be used alone or in conjunction with the book

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Grade level: 7-12. This 100-page, reproducible spiral workbook and strategy cards are the practical tool all educators have been waiting for to help teens handle anger in healthier ways. Covers such areas as: understanding anger, interventions for anger management and conflict resolution, and the differences between anger and abuse. The 72 strategy cards explore the issues presented in the book using thought-provoking questions that will generate lively discussion. Cards can be used alone or in conjunction with the book.