Four WorryWoo Posters - Nola, Rue, Squeek, & Fuddle
Embrace your Inner Woo with the WorryWoo PosterPack!
Great for bedrooms, playrooms, offices and classrooms
Includes 4 Posters
Printed with Soy Ink
Each poster sized 13X19
The WorryWoo Monsters, a series by Andi Green, was first seen in a New York City art exhibition in 2001. Originally called The Monsters in My Head, Green wanted to create characters with a story that each embodied an emotion. Using her design and illustration background she built 5 light boxes, 24X36 in size, each containing a monster with its story Xerox-transferred to the front of the box. From loneliness to confusion, she began tackling complicated feelings and transformed them into quirky, loveable characters. Her message of embrace your emotions received such a positive response, she was asked by many if she ever considered turning her single art pieces into storybooks. In 2002 she began to expand her concept, but it wasn't until 2007 that she decided to publish and produce her new collection.